Reconnect with Your Inner Self

With Claire Wilkinson


Just imagine if you could…

…feel complete about yourself

…feel happier, more grounded and calm

…be healthier and fitter on the inside and out

…break those negative patterns that hold you back in life

…come back into your alignment, peace and flow

…be your own sanctuary and feel safe and secure within yourself, regardless of what is happening in the outside world

…have access to tools and teachings that will help you to come into, and sustain, your balance

… cleanse and detoxify your whole system and glow from the inside out

…it is possible, and it starts with and within YOU.


Welcome, I am Claire

I teach yoga and meditation and am a Reiki Master & Sound Bath Healer.

I think with all the doom and gloom and uncertainty going on in the world, I feel I need my practice more than ever. By allowing myself the time to go inwards, I can bring together my mind, body and soul and I can detach myself more from the whole craziness that is happening right now. So the drama outside still goes on, but from inside I can find peace and refuge.

My intention to give you the practices and tools that will empower you to reconnect you with your inner self.

I welcome you to join me on this journey, where I will be guiding you through a transformational five day course. At the end of the five days you will feel more free, grounded and clearer in yourself and the direction you want to go.

This online course can be done in the comfort of your own home and can fit around your daily schedule. You will have lifelong access to the lessons.

We are programmed to achieve and there is nothing wrong with that. But often it's other people's ideas of how this should be, like our parents, teachers, people we form relationships with, and society. But often we reach a stage in our lives where we feel incomplete. A stage where you just don't feel like YOU.

You may be successful in your chosen field, but have that feeling that there is something missing inside, even if on the outside life looks pretty good. It is because you have lost who you really are, what makes you tick, what gives you your drive and passion.

You have been so busy taking care of your outer self, that your inner self has been completely forgotten.

This can lead to us feeling flat, that life is lacking something, you may have feelings of inadequacy, being lost and generally out of sorts with yourself. If you do not deal with this, it can develop into depression, anxiety and other illnesses.

If this resonates with you, then read on or check out my free mini starter course which includes Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Pranayama Breathwork and Meditation, completely free and with no committment.

‘Reconnect With Your Inner Self’ is a five day course which will take you inward


I will give you the tools you need to go deeper and take a look at who you really are and what you want from your life.

This is a way to safely explore the parts of you that don't feel right anymore. Appreciate what they are teaching you and learn what you need to learn from them, but give yourself permission to move on.

It is a truly healing and transformational course that will allow you to identify and explore those negative layers that have built up over many years, that are now holding you back from being who you really are.

It is time take action take back control.


By committing to this course, you are committing to yourself. All the work we do is to encourage and teach you to go inwards, to your true self.

This is where the answers lie. This is where you find what your your soul purpose is. Your true essence.

We are all entitled to a fulfilled life that is right for us. Our birthright is happiness.

Each day the material sent to you will be different, but on the same theme, building and progressing onwards and upwards to reconnect with yourself.

What will the five days include?

  • 5 morning meditations

  • 5 affirmations

  • 5 yoga classes - Vinyasa Flow & Yin Yoga

  • Holistic eating plan

  • Pranayamas

  • Evening Yoga Nidra

  • Join our Reconnect Facebook group

  • Join our daily Facebook Lives for discussions, meditations.

  • Wednesday evening Live stream Yin & Yang yoga & meditation

  • A 20 minute coaching session with me via Zoom

  • A live stream closing workshop of yoga, meditation and Sound Bath (2,5 hours).

  • All the work is sent out to you recorded, so you can choose the times that suit you best to do the work.

  • The material is yours to keep, forever! So you will be able to go back to it whenever you want and as many times as you want.

- Reconnect To Your Inner Self -

Not sure if this is for you?

Check you my FREE mini course with instant access to 65 minutes of:

  • Vinyasa Flow Yoga session (35 min.)

  • Pranayama alternate nostril breathing that helps to promote calmness of the mind and overall wellbeing (10 min.)

  • Guided Meditation to start your day in a positive and healthy way (20 min.)



Over the five days you will get to know and love yourself again

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About Claire

So let me tell you a little more about myself… 

I haven’t always been a yoga teacher, in fact for many years I owned a  successful business with my twin sister in Mayfair. I had a great life and  was quite a party girl and enjoyed myself to the hilt. But I often had a nagging feeling that something was missing for me. 

I used to go to yoga classes and also went to India frequently so used to  join classes there. 

Then in 2012 I went through a difficult time and was at a low ebb, so I went on a mini detox retreat and even though I had dipped my toe into yoga previously, this time something just clicked. 

I came home a changed person, but the really weird thing is, I felt comfortable with this person, unlike the old 'me'. 

And what had happened on that magical retreat was, through the yoga and meditation and spending time with myself, I had reconnected to my inner self.  

It was very clear to me that this was my way forward. 

I then trained as a yoga teacher in London and have since continued to study intensively in both India and the UK with some of the world’s leading teachers including Rod Stryker, Tara Judelle, Sally Kempton,  Gurmukh Kaur, David Swenson & Max Strom. 

I now teach full-time yoga, meditation as well as being a Reiki Master and Sound Bath Healer.

I teach five weekly live stream classes via Zoom.

I coach students privately on the practice of Yoga & meditation and I run regular workshops.

I teach retreats in the Himalayas and also Europe and the UK.

This is my life.

And I want to share with you the joys and personal happiness this way of living brings to life and share with you all I have learnt along the way, so you too, can find more happiness and fulfilment.

So let me recap what you will get...

Morning meditation

 With the suggestion you do first thing, before you check emails, Instagram or anything else that will get your mind active. It is important to set your day with a clear mind.  
Daily affirmation

This will be a phrase with a strong meaning, to chant to yourself through out the day. When mantras are said repeatedly, they send strong messages to the mind and body. They set you up to be more positive. 

Daily yoga practice

A mixture of Vinyasa Flow and Yin.
Vinyasa Flow is more flowing and energetic and playful, with a strong emphasis on the breath.
I work with bringing the mind, body and breath into one, so you fully align, inside and out.
Yin is slow and seated, the postures are held for longer. It is extremely mindful. As you sit in stillness in the posture, you will start to feel more spacious deep within. 
Both styles are beautiful in their own way.
You can pick and choose to suit your mood on the day.
You may even choose to do both, say Vinyasa in the morning and Yin in the evening.

Wednesday evening LIVE STREAM Yin & Yang Yoga & Mediation
Join my Wednesday evening Yin and Yang Yoga practice. It is a nurturing practice starting with an energising flow, moving to a calm and still Yin practice, where you will find space and go within. Finishing with a relaxing meditation.
This class is live streamed via Zoom. A recording will be sent if you can't make it.

Facebook Lives
I will hop on live daily. The content will be either discussion about a topic relevant to the course, a pranayama to make sure you keep in a calm mindset for the day.

Facebook Group
A private Facebook group, just for us. Where you can support each other and share your journey with like-minded people.

A Private Coaching Session
I invite you to a private one to one coaching session via Zoom. This is for you to ask any questions that may help you to move forwards in your journey.

Holistic healthy eating plan
During the five days of the course, it is highly recommended that you follow as holistic and healthy approach to your diet as possible. The reason being is that to get the full benefit of the course for your mind and your body.

Holistic eating means quite simply eating food that is as close to its natural state as possible. Hallmarks of holistic nutrition include unrefined, unprocessed, organic. For the five days I suggest also cutting out meat, alcohol, sugar, wheat and dairy.
"What will I eat??"  I hear your shout!! Well, trust me, there are plenty of foods you can eat. Foods that your body actually prefer, but just need a little time to adjust.

This is not about loosing weight, although you most probably will, but it is about cleansing your system. You will feel amazing and will glow from inside out.
I will recommend some books you can get that I personally use, that will give you plenty of ideas.

We will do journals each day. This helps you to really establish what areas of your life you need to work on.
Each day will be a different topic.
It helps you to identify any negative thoughts that are holding you back and by looking at these thoughts, we can turn them into positive thoughts.

 Evening Yoga Nidra
A recording of Yoga Nidra meditation. This is to do before you go to sleep, lying down in your bed. It is so relaxing and peaceful and will take away any stress from the day and promote a healthy night's sleep.

Live Stream Closing Ceremony Workshop via Zoom
The final evening I invite you to join me for a two and a half hour live stream workshop.
We will join together in our practice of yoga, pranayama, chanting and meditation and finish with a beautiful Sound Bath.
This is our closing ceremony and trust me, you will finish in the most blissful state.

My aim for the course is to bring you deeper into the beautiful world of yoga and meditation and reap the abundant benefits they have to offer.

All the recordings are yours to keep forever.

So if you are ready to move forwards in your life, to start to reconnect with yourself, then this course is for you.

I welcome you on this beautiful journey.
A journey back home. 

With love and light
Claire xxx

Dates and Price

Course Dates
23rd - 27th November 2020

Course Price

The value of the course with all that is included is over £250, but this is a special offer that I normally give away for £145, but have decided, due to the recent developments of a second lockdown in England, to offer it at the price of just £125.

I want to make this truly transformational work accessible for even more people.

£125 for what is normally worth more than £250.
To align you back to your inner self to find peace and refuge in current times.

This five day course will help you navigate, not only the current circumstances of the world, but also set you up for a more positive, happier and healthier future.

All the recordings are yours to keep forever. You can always come back to it when you need.

I also want to give the option if you are financially challenged right now, but really feel you would benefit from the course, to feel free to message me to discuss. I really want to make this accessible for everyone that feels it is right for them and help them invite more love and calmness into their life.

Are you ready to start your transformation and step into a higher version of yourself?

"I am a regular to Claire's classes and also go on her workshops, which are like mini retreats! I love her style of teaching, it is totally nourishing for the body and soul. She is spiritual, but real and teaches in a light hearted manner that puts you at ease immediately. She is a true inspiration."

More about Claire Wilkinson

Yoga and MeditationGroup classes livestream via Zoom.Book HerePrivate coaching in person and online.More information

Yoga and Meditation

Group classes livestream via Zoom.

Book Here

Private coaching in person and online.

More information

CoursesJoin me for my next five-day ‘Reconnect to Your Inner Self’ course. More information


Join me for my next five-day ‘Reconnect to Your Inner Self’ course.

More information

Retreats and WorkshopsJoin me for a life changing retreat in the Himalayas.More information

Retreats and Workshops

Join me for a life changing retreat in the Himalayas.

More information

Holistic Healing Transformational healing, Sound Bath and Reiki sessions. More information

Holistic Healing

Transformational healing, Sound Bath and Reiki sessions.

More information
